Summary and Suggestion

Hello everyone!!! Mabuhay!!!

Welcome back to my blog and Happy reading

Okay, without any further ado, let’s get started :D

Summary and Suggestion

During one month as a delegation of the SEA Teacher program by SEAMEO. I got a lot of greatest and new experiences. And I will tell you what is that.

1.1. Purposes of Practicum

SEA-TEACHER Project or commonly called Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia is a program that aims to provide opportunities for students from universities in Southeast Asia to have practical experience teaching in schools in other countries in Asia Southeast.

for me, SEA Teacher itself is a forum for us prospective teachers to practice what has been learned during lectures. such as making lesson plans, how to teach, managing classes and knowing how the learning process in other countries in order to broaden our horizons as a prospective teacher in the future.

1.2. Procedures of Practicum

SEA Teacher is a one month program for teaching practice. In that one month, we do not directly teach but are divided into several stages namely, school orientation, classroom observation, assistanship and teaching practice.

1.3. Outcome of Practicum
- I know how to manage the class
- I got to kow how to make a lesson plan of Philipines version
- I'm more confident when teaching in class
- My english speaking ability more improve
- I got a new experiences and new knowledge from this program

1.4. The Challenges of Practicum
the challenges that I got when I'm teaching in the class that, I must speak full English with them. Not only that I must make my learning process more fun and innovative so that the student more comfortable and understand about my lesson. 

1.5. Overall Impression
like I said before, this is my first time to go abroad, I'm a bit nervous and afraid. because I'm afraid when I'm in Philipines I can't speak English fluently and make my teaching process a mess. I'm afraid too about the students, that they will not listen to me when I'm teaching them because I'm just an interning teacher. But after arriving in the Philippines, all my fears vanished somewhere. because all the things I feared were not true. when I talk to them and when I have difficulty talking they will understand and help us. and the big mistake that I think about is that students there are very polite and friendly. they greet me when I pass in front of him and sometimes we take selfies together.

this makes me really enjoy my time for 1 month at CBSUA Sipocot and Pili. one month felt so fast passing that time.

1.6. Suggestion for Future Improvement
To SEA Teacher project, I hope other countries in South East Asian will join the program in the future.

Thank you very much SEAMEO SEA Teacher program for this chance that I get. I know thank you is not enough to repay the greatest experiences that I get when I'm in Philipines, especially in Sipocot and Pili. Maraming Salamat sa lahat. Terima Kasih banyak. Thank you very much.


                                                                                                                       Nurul Muthi'ah


                                                                                                                       North Sumatera, Indonesia 


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