It's Time for Touring,yuhuu~

Hello everyone!!! Mabuhay!!!

Welcome back to my blog and Happy reading

Okay, without any further ado, let’s get started :D

as you can see, my blog content is about teaching. and now i'll share with you my experiences while have a tour in Pasacao, Sipocot and Albay. 

September 12, 2019-Pasacao

after done with 3 days of actual teaching. finally we have a tour. and our destination to CBSUA Pasacao. i'm happy that i will met my friends in Pili since me and Meldi in Sipocot. hehe :D
Before go to Pasacao, we went to mosque in Sipocot. Since Muslim is a Minority in Philipines, so it's hard to find the mosque. And i'm so happy that Ma'am Shiela bring us to the mosque.

 with the Muslim people, he is the one who take care of the mosque.

 Me and Meldi in front of the Mosque, look at our happy faces.

After that, we went to CBSUA Pasacao. they have already waited for us. like what i said, Filipino are so humble and kindness. 

they were welcomed us by showed a marching band performance. and that's were really good and i really enjoyed it.

we also have a campus tour and met new friends there. thank all :D

and after have a campus tour, I went to a beach and Daroanak island. and we have our lunch there. we really enjoy the beach scenery.

we went Daroanak Island by boat and we must wear a life vests.

with my girls. I missed them :"

Meldi and I with ma'am shiela (our Mom, hahaha no just kidding)
beautiful scenery of Daroanak

September 14, 2019-Sipocot
another tour day hahaha. i'm so happy beacuse we will went to around sipocot. eat delicious food.

we have our picnic in Sipocot with all the teachers from cbsua Sipocot. look at our happy faces hahaha.
in Sipocot we went to organic farms and plantations. and we also to organic maushrooms plantations. we got a new knowledge about mushroom and organic plant and farms. thank you very much sipocot.

September 21, 2019-Albay
we went to Albay to bought a souvenir for our family and friends. tour in Albay was the last tour for us in Philipines. i'm sad and happy too. 

 going to Albay

with Meldi, Rezi and Gebi

thank you for reading and see you :D


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