Hello, It’s Me

Hello everyone!!!, Mabuhay!!!
Mabuhay means long to live, so I hope all of you who read my blog will long live~

This is my first blog, and in my blog, I will tell you about my greatest experiences that I get in Philipines for one month. But, before I tell my stories, I'll introduce myself, I think you guys curiuos about me, hahaha no I'm just kidding.

My name is Nurul Muthi'ah, don't be confused about the apostrophe in my name, hahaha. You just can call me Muti. That's so simple, right? Haha. I was born on 06 May 1998. Yeah i know I'm 21 right now. I am a student at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU). I have been studying at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) since 2016. I am 4th years student, and my major is English Education. I choose English education because  I don't like mathematics and counting, hahaha .

I really glad that I can join the SEA Teacher program and go to Philipines. I’ve never imagine that they chosen me as one of delegation of this program. I learn a lot and improved my self when I’m in Philipines. This is will be my greatest and unforgettable moment for my entire life. Thank You Philipines.

In my blog, I will tell you about my experience being part of SEA Teacher Batch 8 in Philipines. I will tell you what happened during one month when I'm in Philipines. I will tell about my school CBSUA and all of my students there and my new friends too.

Are you curious about that???  (yessss, maam) haha    
Okey, happy reading my reader :D

Butttt, I will show my picture first >_<         ==>>


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