Arrived in Pili and School Orientation

Hello everyone!!! Mabuhay!!!
Welcome back to my blog and Happy reading
Okay, without any further due, let’s get started :D

August 29, 2019, Pili
First, I wanna say thanks to god, that I arrived safely in Philipines on 28 August in Ninoy airport in Manila. This is my first time to go abroad and far away from my parents. I was excited and afraid at the same time. My campus sent 2 students to join this program, that’s me and my friend, Rezi. After we arrived at Ninoy airport, we went to Philtranco bus station to go to Pili. And there, we met another Indonesian delegation of SEA Teacher from UNIKAMA, they are Meldi and Erhan. So we go together to Pili by bus. And you know what? It takes 10 hours to go to Pili by bus. that’s really tired. We go at 2 pm and then arrived at Philtranco Bus station in Naga City at 2 am, August 29, 2019. Can you imagine that??? Hahaha, but it’s okay, that’s for my experiences and I really enjoy it. Professor Azanes fetch us in Naga City, she is so humble, thanks ma'am :D. so we go to our dormitory and Professor  Azanes told us to sleep because that already 3 am.

And you know that’s all of the delegations in Indonesia already sleep and we met them the next morning. we go the campus administration to make our id and get our wifi password, hahaha that’s really what I need.

This me and all of the delegation from Indonesia. In front of CBSUA Main Campus. Look at our happy face there. Actually, there is 14 delegation but one of my Friends, Wahyu from UMK didn’t arrive yet. Huhu so sad :’(

This is me and friend, Rezi with our lovely banner from UMSU, hahaha

after that, we go to CDE Office to get orientation from Mr. Christopher. He told us about the ACEP or Academic and Cultural Engagement Program. That’s mean we’re not only studying or learn about the academic but we learn about the culture of the Philippines.

Mr.Chris explain about the ACEP Program and our schedule in CBSUA for one month

on that day, we also attended the Acquaintance Party. We are really enjoying it and all of the students who attended the party welcoming us warmly and they’re so humble.

The girls with our buddies, Charlene and Christine :D after the party.

And our Indonesian handsome boys, hahaha :D

We really enjoyed the party, even though we are not dancing, hahaha. Thanks for invited us :D

September 30, 2019

We went to Mayor office, and talked about what we were doing in CBSUA Pili for one month

Mayor gave us this special gift from Pili, That’s Pilinut. I really like it!. Thank you, Mayor.

Absolutely, we took a picture in front of The Mayor Office. Holding our precious gift from Mayor.

on that day, i was very happy because I still can't believe that I'm in Philipines and met kind people every time :D 



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