School : General Infromation and Academic Administration

Hello everyone!!! Mabuhay!!!

Welcome back to my blog and Happy reading

Okay, without any further due, let’s get started :D

Now, i will tell you about my host school, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture or CBSUA.

1.1. School Profile

The Central Bicol State University of Agriculture is situated in Barangay San Jose, Municipality of Pili, Province of Camarines Sur. It stands on a seven hundred thirty-six (736) hectare land reservation made available by the government through proclamations for agricultural land school purposes.

It was established as the Camarines Sur Agricultural School in 1918 offering courses on modern farming, intermediate level exclusively for boys. In 1920, it became national school offering secondary curriculum and phasing out its intermediate level, then five years later, it was renamed Camarines Sur Agricultural High School, returning to its provincial status.

It reacquired its national status on June 4, 1948 through the enactment of Republic Act 303. It was renamed Camarines Sur Regional Agricultural School in 1954 through R.A. 1089 and by virtue of CY 1960 General Appropriations Act, it was named as Camarines Sur Agricultural College mandated to perform trilogy of functions: instruction, research, and extension.
Its dream of becoming a University of Agriculture came into reality by virtue of Republic Act No. 9717, where the former Camarines Sur State Agricultural College was converted into a state university now known as the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture effective October 30, 2009. It is envisioning to be known as a Center of Organic Agriculture in the whole Philippines and a host of agriculture-related development programs for Bicolanos.
Central Bicol State University of Agriculturu in Pili is the main campus, besides that they have 3 branch campuses namely in Sipocot, Pasacao and Calabanga.

“Education for Sustainable Human Development”

A leading university of agriculture in the Philippines by 2018 and in the ASEAN Region by 2024

To produce globally competitive graduates, to develop viable agri-industrial technologies and to help 
build resilient and sustainable communities.

Provide quality education experience to students; Generate innovative technologies for commercialization; Empower communities and other stakeholders; Enhance university resources.

1.2. Academic Support System
CBSUA is a big school, they have a library, language center, laboratories, auditorium, outdoor big filed, and wall magazine everywhere. there is a canteen too.

1.3. Teaching System
CBSUA High School and College started at 7.30 am until 5.00 pm every Monday-Friday. in the Philipines, students study just in 5 days in a week. on Monday they have a flag-raising ceremony at 7.15 am. the students must make a line according to their class for the high school and to their majors for college students. duration of every subject that must they learn is 60 minutes.

1.4. Material and Other learning sources
in CBSUA teacher have their own book for the learning process. and the teacher often uses Powerpoint presentation and a Video for the learning process.

1.5. Measurement and Evaluation system
in CBSUA the evaluation system for the students are 20% Exam, 50% Performance, and 30% paper works,

1.6. General Curriculum
Education in Philipines uses K to 12 Curriculum. The K to 12 Philippine basic education curriculum framework context is (1) Philosophical and legal bases, (2)Nature of the learner, (3) needs of the learner, (4) needs of a national and global community. Features of the K to 12 Curriculum are (1) learner-centered, inclusive and research-based (2) culture-responsive and culture-sensitive, integrative and contextualized, relevant and responsive, (3) standard and competence-based, seamless, decongested, (4) flexible, ICT-based and global.

I did my practicum teaching in CBSUA Sipocot. it takes 2 hours from the main campus in Pili. in CBSUA Sipocot there are Secondary High School. I teached 3 classes, Grade 7-Molave, Grade 8-Yakal, and Grdae10-Narra.

I will tell a littlle story, CBSUA main campus in Pili, sent 2 exchange student from SEA Teacher program to another CBSUA campus, in Sipocot. that's me and my friends Meldi from UNIKAMA. they have a Opening Ceremony for us too. in that photo they are teachers and campus administrators. ma'am Liway as a campus Administrator, Ma'am Ana Dean of Education, Ma'am Charmayn, Ma'am Evang, Ma'am noy, Ma'am Shiela an sir Niel. they are so humble and kind. i love them. thank you everyon in CBSUA Sipocot for welcoming us and taking care of us. i'll never forget you.

we also visited The Mayor Office in Sipocot.

library at CBSUA main campus, Pili.

 some of Majors building in CBSUA Sipocot Campus.

Library in CBSUA Sipocot campus

me and Meldi, after the Opening Ceremony in CBSUA Sipocot campus.
we spent almost 3 weeks on Sipocot campus to did our teaching practice.

Thank you and see you for the next story :*  <3


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Summary and Suggestion

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